Winter Rubrics Given In Phatak Repertory

Following are the Rubrics Given in Phatak Repertory related to Winter

Asthma; winter agg (3): carb-v, nat-m, nux-v

Cough; winter agg (6): ant-t, cham, kall-m, nat-m, nit-ac, psor.

Cough; winter agg old people in, during entire season (2): ant-c, kreos.

Eruptions; winter agg (6): alum, ors, petr, psor, sabad, tub.

Eruptions; winter agg ; amel (2): kali-bi, sars.

Feet; winter agg (1) caust

Head; winter agg (1): bism

Nose; winter agg (3): am-c, ars, sulph,

Sciatica; winter agg (1): Ign

Skin; cracks; winter, in (5): calc, carbon-s, petr, sep, sulph

Skin; winter agg (1): alum

Throat, angina, winter agg (0): mez

Throat; winter agg (1) mez

Urination; dribbling; women, in winter, agg (1) rhus-t

Winter agg: (11): ars, aur, dulc, fl-ac, hep, kali-c, kalm, nux-v, petr, psor, rhus-t

Winter agg: amel (1): sul-i


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