Cough; sciatica, alternating with, in summer(1) : staph.
Sciatica; atrophy of parts, with(4) : 2 calc., caust., ol-j., plb.
Sciatica; bed, turning, in agg(1) : nat-s.
Feet; painful menses, during; sciatica, with(1) : mag-p.
Sciatica; blowing nose agg(1) : graph.
Sciatica; boring(1) : lach.
Sciatica; brown, spots with(1) : sep.
Sciatica; chronic(1) : ran-b.
Sciatica; coughing agg(4) : caps., caust., sep., 2 tell.
Sciatica; coughing agg; alternating, with(1) : staph.
Gait; unsteady; sciatica,in(1) : kali-cy.
Sciatica; day, during amel(1) : ruta
Sciatica; deep, pain(2) : kali-bi., ruta
Sciatica; flexing(0) :
Sciatica; descending(2) : am-m., ruta
Sciatica; feet, tender, with(1) : mag-p.
Sciatica; flexing; abdomen on amel(3) : coloc., glon., napht.
Sciatica; flexing; leg amel(5) : ars., kali-bi., kali-i., napht., valer.
Sciatica; formication, with(1) : gnaph.
Sciatica; hang down, leg agg(1) : valer.
Sciatica; hang down, leg agg; over sides of bed, agg(1) : verat.
Sciatica; heat agg(5) : ferr., gua., led., merc., visc.
Sciatica; heat agg; amel(4) : 3 ars., lyc., mag-p., rhus-t.
Sciatica; heels, localized, in(1) : sep.
Sciatica; injury, after(2) : arn., hyper.
Sciatica; jarring agg(3) : bell., nux-m., tell.
Sciatica; knees,to(1) : ind.
Sciatica; laughing agg(1) : tell.
Sciatica; lying(0) :
Sciatica; limb, gives way, pain, with(1) : grat.
Sciatica; lying; agg(5) : gnaph., kali-i., nat-m., ruta, tell.
Sciatica; lying; amel(3) : 2 am-m., bry., dios.
Sciatica; lying; back on amel(1) : phos.
Sciatica; lying; painful side on agg(0) :
Sciatica; lying; right side on amel(1) : phos.
Sciatica; mental exertion agg(1) : mag-p.
Sciatica; motion least agg,must lie still(2) : coloc., lach.
Sciatica; move, must(7) : bry., caust., lyc., mag-c., rhus-t., valer., zinc-val.
Sciatica; muscles, jerking, with(1) : kali-c.
Sciatica; numbness, with(7) : acon., caust., cham., coloc., napht., phyt., rhus-t.
Sciatica; numbness, with; burning, with(1) : dios.
Sciatica; otorrhoea, with(1) : visc.
Sciatica; pain, all over the body, with(1) : petr.
Sciatica; pregnancy amel(1) : sep.
Sciatica; pressure agg(5) : kali-bi., kali-c., kali-i., lyc., rhus-t.
Legs; weak; sciatica,pain,from(1) : grat.
Sciatica; shooting pain(4) : acon., coloc., iris, mag-c.
Sciatica; sitting agg(7) : am-m., bell., hyper., ind., lept., lyc., valer.
Sciatica; sitting agg; chair, in amel(1) : napht.
Sciatica; sitting agg; prolonged agg(1) : hyper.