Following are the Rubrics given for Cyst In Phatak Repertory
Ears; lobules; cysts(1) : nit-ac.
Cheeks; cyst(2) : graph., thuj.
Back; cyst,on(1) : phos.
Eye lids; cyst, on(1) : ferr-p.
Cysts(12) : apis, ars., bar-c., calc., graph., lyc., nit-ac., phos., sabin., sil., sulph., thuj.
Neck and nape; tumours; cystic(1) : brom.
Ovaries; cystic(7) : apis, apoc., aur., form., iod., kali-br., lyc.
Vagina; cysts(3) : lyc., puls., 2 sil.
Vagina; cysts; serous(1) : rhod.
Neck and nape; cysts,sides both, on(1) : brom.