Rubrics Given For Brain In Phatak Repertory

Following are thr Rubrics Given For Brain In Phatak Repertory

Appetite; lost,diminished, wanting; brain troubles, in(1) : hell.

 Aura; brain,wavy sensation, in(1) : cimic.

 Awakes; brain,shock,in with(1) : coca

Brain(16) : acon., arg-n., bell., bov., calc., dulc., hyos., lach.,  nux-v., phos., pic-ac., stram., sulph., syph., tub., zinc.

Brain; air cold, blowing on, as if(1) : cimic.

Brain; bruised(5) : bapt., 2 chin., gels., mur-ac., phyt.

Brain; burning heat(7) : acon., bell., canth., glon., med.,  phos., verat.

 Brain; burning heat; boiling water, as if(1) : acon.

Brain; burning heat; fiery(1) : hydr-ac.

Brain; cloth cold, around, as if(2) : glon.,  sanic.

Brain; cloud was going over(1) : hydr-ac.

Brain; coldness(2) : mosch., phos.

Brain; concussion(9) :  arn., cic., hell., hyos., hyper., nat-s., op., sul-ac., zinc.

Brain; concussion; headache from(1) : kali-br.

Brain; concussion; knocking foot against any, when(1) : bar-c.

 Brain; concussion; misstep, from(1) : led.

Brain; contracted hard, painful, as if(1) : laur.

 Brain; crazy feeling(1) : vario.

Brain; degeneration, softening of(11) :  arg-n., aur., bar-c., caust.,  phos., plb.,  sil.,  stry., syph.,  zinc-p., zinc.

Brain; fag, weak, tired(21) : anac., bar-c., bell., calc., caust., gels., kali-p.,  lach., lyc.,  nat-c., nux-v., ph-ac., pic-ac., plb., psor., puls., sil., staph., sulph., zinc-p., zinc.

Brain; fag, weak, tired; grief,from(1) : kali-br.

Brain; falls,down(1) : laur.

Brain; falls,down; forehead, from as if(1) : rat.

 Brain; falls,down; side, lain on(1) : phys.

Brain; frozen, as if(1) : ind.

Brain; formication(1) : hyper.

Brain; full of fluid, as if(1) : cur.

 Brain; haemorrhage, in(7) : acon., bell., calc., gels., ip., lach., op.

Brain; heavy(3) : form., hyper., mag-c.

Brain; hot vapour coming from below, as if(3) : ant-t., sars., sulph.

 Brain; hot vapour coming from below, as if; swallowing, when(1) : form.

Brain; humming, roaring, in(3) : kreos., lach., phos.

 Brain; knocking against skull, as if(1) : chin.

Brain; large as if(3) : cimic., form.,  glon.

Brain; liquid, as if(1) : mag-p.

Brain; loose, as if(16) : acon., am-c., bar-c.,  bell.,  chin., glon., kali-c., kali-m., laur., nux-m., nux-v., rhus-t., spig., sul-ac., sulph., tub.

 Brain; loose, as if; stooping, on(1) : nat-s.

 Brain; loose, as if; walking, on(1) : cycl.

Brain; bandaged, as if(5) : bry., lac-c., nat-m., nit-ac., sulph.

Brain; lump, as if on right side(1) : con.

Brain; marble, feels,as if changed, to(1) : cann-i.

 Brain; numb(8) : apis, bufo, calc., con., graph., hell., kali-br., plat.

 Brain; needles, at(1) : tarent.

Brain; paralysis of,incipient(2) :  lyc., zinc.

 Brain; paralysis of,incipient; sensation of emission after(1) : sil.

Brain; parts, were changing, as if(1) : mag-p.

Brain; pressed out of forehead, as if(2) : bell., lach.

Brain; raised several times in succession, as if(1) : thuj.

 Brain; raised several times in succession, as if; stooping, on(1) : cob.

 Brain; softening, of(0) :


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