Rubrics Given For Dandruff In Murphy Repertory

Eyes; eruptions, eyes; eyebrows, about the; dandruff(1) : sanic.

Generalities; hair, general, head and body; falling, out, of hair; dandruff, due to (3) : am-m., kali-c., thuj.

Head; dandruff, scalp(58) : all-s., alum., am-m., ars-br., ars., asim., bad., bar-c.,  bry., bufo, calc-p.,  calc-s., calc., canth., carbn-s., chin-s., choc., coch., crot-h., dulc., dys-co., fl-ac., graph., hep., her-l., hydr., hydrog., ictod., iod., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-m., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., lac-c., lach., lap-gr-m., lyc.,  mag-c., mag-p., maland., med., mez., nat-m., olnd., phos., psor., rad-br., sanic., saroth., sep., sil., stann., staph., sul-i., sulph.,  thuj.

Head; dandruff, scalp; herpetic; circles like ringworm, in(1) : sep.

Head; dandruff, scalp; alternating, with catarrh or loss of smell(1) : nat-m.

Head; dandruff, scalp; scaly(3) : canth., kali-s., thuj.

Head; dandruff, scalp; copious, falls out in clouds(1) : phos.

Head; dandruff, scalp; scaly; hair comes out, skin peels off with itching and smarting(1) : staph.

Head; dandruff, scalp; smells, badly(2) : lyc.,  psor.

Head; dandruff, scalp; weather, worse in change of(1) : dulc.

Head; dandruff, scalp; white(8) : alum., choc., kali-chl., kali-m.,  mez., nat-m.,  phos., thuj.

 Head; dandruff, scalp; white; flakes, in, with itching(1) : kali-m.

Head; dandruff, scalp; white; white and dry(2) : mez., nat-m.

Head; dandruff, scalp; yellow(1) : kali-s.

Head; dandruff, scalp; enormous(2) : canth., kali-s.

Head; dandruff, scalp; headache, with, in pregnancy(1) : calc.

Head; dandruff, scalp; herpetic(2) : graph., nat-m.

Pregnancy; headaches, during pregnancy; dandruff, with(1) :  calc.


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